The C1st Team reflects on some of their Christmas memories.
Christmas, "the most wonderful time of the year!" – for most. To me, it's not lost that the holidays are indeed joyful, but for so many, it digs up times of yesteryear. It may show an empty seat at the table more profoundly. It may just be another day. I sincerely hope, for all, that whether it's on this day, or next week, the joy of the season works it's way into your life.
As a team C1st communicates through group chats and funny messages, but on times of celebration, one thing is certain, we always reach out to send the best wishes. Recently, I asked the team to shoot me some Christmas memories. It's a simple question, but the answers can be so profound and heartwarming – couple that with that they're coming from the minds of your favorite paranormal investigators – and you have depth. So, join us and the ghost of Christmas Past on a quick waltz down C1st Memory Lane.
First stop, team co-founder, Brian,
"One of my favorite memories from my childhood Christmas was always that after we were finished with Christmas morning at home, we would load up and go to my mom's parents' house for the extended family Christmas dinner. I enjoyed spending time with my grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins. Fast forward to today, that same grandma now hangs out at my house as a ghost. Due to my service in the military, I spent many Christmases overseas, but that makes the ones here at home even better – the current, and the memories."
Co-founder, Gary had a simple, but powerful memory he looks forward to every year:
"After my wife, Dana's passing, some friends gave me wind chimes. They hardly ever ring. But every Christmas since, they ring. She always lets me know that she's with me when I am really missing her or needing her."
Team member, Ara said,
"Well, my uncle passed on Christmas day. Then, we lost my sibling who was supposed to be born on Christmas day. Jump ten years ahead and my little brother and cousin were both born on Christmas day. So for me, I always celebrate life and death on Christmas. I light candles in their honor."
As you can see, from a perspective of people who explore those who have moved on, we are far from unaware that holidays can be "un-joyful" but, as Ara said, "celebrate life and death." And with that, I'll wrap up this brisk walk as we make a right-turn onto Present Lane.
"I'm sitting here, listening to Christmas music, writing about loss, but really, the twinkling of joy that loss brings into the holidays. My vow this year, is to simply be present. Looking at those around me, even the thread on social media of people my life has crossed paths with – a snowflake-shaped web of family, connections and love. Knowing that right now has passed with each blink. "So savor it, Eric."
From all of your friends at C1st Paranormal Midwest, we wish you a very Merry Christmas. Remember the love of those before you, those now and the small things that shape happiness in your life